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Tefsir Ibn Kesir Bosanski Pdf Downloadgolkesl

Tefsir Ibn Kesir Bosanski Pdf Downloadgolkesl

Tefsir Ibn Kesir je jedan od najpoznatijih i najcjenjenijih klasičnih tefsira Kur'ana, koji je napisao šejhul-islam Ismail ibn Kesir, učenik Ibn Tejmijje. Ovaj tefsir se odlikuje jasnoćom izraza, obuhvatnošću značenja, vjernošću selefijskom pravcu i poštivanjem načela tefsira. Autor je nastojao da Kur'an tumači Kur'anom, zatim hadisom, potom riječima ashaba i tabi'ina, i konačno značenjem arapskog jezika. Također je pridavao važnost kiraetima i uzrocima objave ajeta.

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Tefsir Ibn Kesir je originalno napisan na arapskom jeziku i ima više od trideset tomova. Međutim, postoje i skraćena izdanja koja su prilagođena široj publici i lakšem čitanju. Jedno od takvih izdanja je i ono koje je priredio Muhammed Nesib er-Rifai, poznati islamski učenjak iz Sirije. On je sažeo glavne teme i poruke tefsira u jednom tomu, koji je preveden na mnoge jezike, uključujući i bosanski.

Bosanski prijevod skraćenog izdanja tefsira Ibn Kesir je dostupan u pdf formatu na internetu, tako da ga svako može preuzeti i pročitati na svom uređaju. Ovo je odlična prilika za sve one koji žele da se upoznaju sa tumačenjem Kur'ana po metodi selefa i da prodube svoje znanje i razumijevanje Božije riječi. Također, ovo je koristan izvor za sve one koji se bave proučavanjem ili podučavanjem Kur'ana i njegovih nauka.

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Nadamo se da će vam ovaj članak biti od koristi i da ćete uživati u čitanju tefsira Ibn Kesir. Molimo Allaha da nas sve uputi na pravi put i da nam podari razumijevanje Njegove knjige. Amin. In this article, we will continue to explore the features and benefits of the tefsir Ibn Kesir, as well as some of the topics and issues that it covers. We will also provide some examples of how the tefsir explains some of the verses and chapters of the Qur'an in a clear and concise manner.

Features and benefits of the tefsir Ibn Kesir

The tefsir Ibn Kesir has many features and benefits that make it a valuable and reliable source of guidance and knowledge for the Muslims. Some of these are:

  • It is based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah, as well as the statements of the companions and the successors, who are the best interpreters of the Qur'an.

  • It is free from any innovation or deviation from the pure Islamic creed and methodology.

  • It is comprehensive and covers all aspects of the Qur'an, such as its history, context, language, style, structure, themes, messages, rulings, stories, parables, miracles, etc.

  • It is concise and easy to understand, without compromising on the depth and accuracy of the meaning.

  • It is relevant and applicable to the contemporary issues and challenges that the Muslims face in their daily lives.

Topics and issues covered by the tefsir Ibn Kesir

The tefsir Ibn Kesir covers a wide range of topics and issues that are related to the Qur'an and its interpretation. Some of these are:

  • The belief in Allah, His names, attributes, actions, and rights.

  • The belief in the angels, the jinn, the prophets, the books, the day of judgment, the paradise, and the hellfire.

  • The worship of Allah, such as prayer, fasting, zakat, hajj, etc.

  • The morals and manners of Islam, such as honesty, justice, kindness, patience, gratitude, forgiveness, etc.

  • The laws and regulations of Islam, such as halal and haram, marriage and divorce, inheritance and distribution of wealth, etc.

  • The stories and lessons from the prophets and their nations, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (peace be upon them all), etc.

  • The signs and wonders of Allah in His creation and His revelation.

Examples of tefsir Ibn Kesir

To illustrate how the tefsir Ibn Kesir explains some of the verses and chapters of the Qur'an in a clear and concise manner, we will provide some examples below:

Surah Al-Fatiha (The Opening)

This is the first chapter of the Qur'an and it consists of seven verses. It is also called Umm al-Kitab (The Mother of the Book) because it contains the essence and summary of the whole Qur'an. It is also called Al-Hamd (The Praise) because it begins with praising Allah. It is also called As-Salah (The Prayer) because it is recited in every unit of prayer. It is also called As-Shifa (The Cure) because it contains healing for every disease. It is also called Ar-Ruqya (The Incantation) because it can be used to seek protection from evil.

The tefsir Ibn Kesir explains this chapter as follows:

"In the Name of Allah, The Entirely Merciful, The Especially Merciful." This means that Allah begins this chapter with His name that indicates His mercy and compassion for His creation. He is Ar-Rahman (The Entirely Merciful) who bestows His mercy upon everyone in this world without exception. He is Ar-Rahim (The Especially Merciful) who bestows His mercy upon those who believe in Him in this world and in the hereafter.

"All praise is due to Allah , Lord of the worlds." This means that Allah deserves all praise for His perfect attributes and actions. He is Rabb (Lord) who creates everything from nothing, sustains everything with His provision, guides everything with His wisdom, controls everything with His power, rewards everything with His justice.

"The Entirely Merciful , The Especially Merciful." This means that Allah repeats His names of mercy to emphasize His kindness and generosity towards His servants. He also reminds them to seek His mercy in every situation.

"Sovereign of the Day of Recompense." This means that Allah is Malik (Sovereign) who owns everything in this world and in the hereafter. He is Yawm ad-Deen (The Day of Recompense) who will judge everyone according to their deeds and reward them accordingly.

"It is You we worship and You we ask for help." This means that Allah is the only one who deserves to be worshipped and obeyed. He is also the only one who can help and support His servants in their needs and difficulties.

"Guide us to the straight path." This means that Allah is the only one who can guide His servants to the path that leads to His pleasure and paradise. This is the path of Islam, which is based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

"The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray." This means that Allah is the one who bestows His favor upon those who follow His guidance and obey His commands. These are the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous. He is also the one who evokes His anger upon those who reject His guidance and disobey His commands. These are the Jews, the Christians, and the hypocrites. He is also the one who leaves astray those who deviate from His guidance and follow their desires. These are the idolaters, the atheists, and the innovators. Here is the continuation of the HTML article on the topic: "Tefsir Ibn Kesir Bosanski Pdf Downloadgolkesl"

Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow)

This is the second chapter of the Qur'an and it consists of 286 verses. It is also called Al-Baqarah (The Cow) because it contains the story of the cow that the children of Israel were commanded to slaughter. It is also called Al-Zalzalah (The Earthquake) because it contains the description of the day of resurrection and its horrors. It is also called Al-Fustat (The Tent) because it contains the laws and regulations that govern the life of the Muslims. It is also called Al-Madinah (The City) because it was revealed in Madinah after the migration of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions.

The tefsir Ibn Kesir explains this chapter as follows:

"Alif, Lam, Meem." These are some of the letters of the Arabic alphabet that Allah has used to begin some chapters of the Qur'an. They are called al-huruf al-muqatta'at (the disjointed letters) because they are not followed by any word or meaning. They are a challenge to the disbelievers who claim that they can produce something like the Qur'an. They are also a reminder to the believers that the Qur'an is from Allah and that He knows what they do not know.

"This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah." This means that this is the Qur'an, which is free from any error or contradiction, and which provides guidance for those who fear Allah and obey Him. Those who follow its teachings will attain success in this world and in the hereafter.

"Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them." This means that those who are conscious of Allah are those who believe in what Allah has informed them about, such as His angels, His books, His messengers, His decree, etc. They are also those who perform their prayers regularly and sincerely, and who spend their wealth in charity and good causes.

"And who believe in what has been revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain." This means that those who are conscious of Allah are those who believe in what Allah has revealed to His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which is the Qur'an, and what He has revealed to His previous prophets, such as Moses, Jesus, Abraham, etc., which are the Torah, the Gospel, the Scrolls, etc. They are also those who believe in the hereafter, which is the day when everyone will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.

"Those are upon [right] guidance from their Lord, and it is those who are the successful." This means that those who have these


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